Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze, the professional leader of our band, received the Kossuth award!

Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze, the professional leader of our band, received the Kossuth award!

Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze received the high recognition for her exceptionally valuable artistic career, several decades of work as a screenwriter, choreographer and costume designer for the worthy expression of Hungarian folk dance art on stage and for the preservation of our traditional cultural heritage.

It fills us with pride and great joy for us that our professional leader received the highest Hungarian state award for the recognition of the cultivation and care of Hungarian culture!



 We became the team of the season
We became the team of the season

In the 2023/24 season of Müpa Budapest, we became the professional dance group of the season!

Díjeső a Magyar Nemzeti Táncegyüttesnél
Díjeső a Magyar Nemzeti Táncegyüttesnél

Ilyen még nem volt, hogy egyszerre négy művészeti díjat is átvehettek táncosaink és zenészeink állami ünnepünk alkalmából!
