2024. July 28. (18:00)


- the most beautiful dances of the Carpathian Basin -

The Hungarian National Dance Ensemble invites its viewers to a lively and colorful folklore show. In the performance "Echo of the Carpathians", he stages a selection in which, in addition to the most beautiful dances of the Hungarian-speaking region, he places particular emphasis on original and stylish performance. Legendary csárdás, Transylvanian and Hungarian gypsy dances, glass hoops and of course one of the world's most virtuoso men's dances, the ‘legényes’, are included in the choreography, during which the spectators - if only in spirit - but from the Rábaköz to the Székelyföld, from the Sárköz to the Matyó countryside or the Dél-Alföld, but they can travel together with the dancers. more...